Hypnotherapy for Parents

Parenting is a journey of discovery. Sometimes it’s great, sometimes it’s not and one of the most helpful things is to have someone sit alongside us when things feel bumpy or we want to make a change.

This is what Love Parenthood hypnotherapy sessions are all about. These gentle sessions are about looking to the future, understanding what’s going on in our brains as parents, identifying our needs, and gaining the confidence to make changes.

Dedicating time to your mental well-being is beneficial to your whole family. When you feel well and you can function well, everyone benefits. You don't have to do this all alone, you can feel better and get back to enjoying your family and feeling hopeful about the future. Get in touch for a free initial consultation.

I offer Hypnotherapy sessions in Peterborough or online.

Love Parenthood Therapy Sessions

Your therapy session is split into two parts, the first half of the session is a solution focused, talking therapy session, here we focus on what’s been good in your week, we delve into mindset, the neuroscience of the brain and how you’re feeling and we set small, achievable goals.

The second half of the session is a deeply relaxing hypnotherapy session where I guide you into relaxation allowing your mind to focus on suggestions and to begin seeking solutions.

Whether you want to find anxiety or stress relief, move on from depression, find more time for you, build your confidence as a parent, change habits or work on managing fears and phobias, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help.

We aim to work quickly, so that you can get back to enjoying your family. In 6-12 sessions you will likely be seeing results and noticing changes.

Your first session is free, this allows us to chat and get an understanding of how I can help you and which hypnotherapy package will best suit you.

Each of these packages comes with a hypnotherapy audio which you can listen to at home.

60 day anxiety in motherhood hypnotherapy package (6-8 sessions depending on your need) £580

Free yourself from the anxiety that has a hold on you, learn strategies to reduce it, tools to manage it and reclaim your confidence so you can be the mum you want to be. This is for you if you:

  • feel worried and anxious a lot of the time

  • avoid doing things because of your anxiety

  • find that you can’t rest or relax easily

  • have difficulty sleeping

  • feel frozen (but not relaxed) and find it hard to make decisions

  • often seek reassurance from family, friends, the internet

  • have scary or worrying intrusive thoughts (what if x happens to my baby)

  • use your phone, food or other things to distract from your anxious thoughts and feelings

  • have panic attacks, IBS, or other physical symptoms that come from a place of anxiety.

60 day Rediscover You hypnotherapy package (6-8 sessions depending on need) £580

If you’ve found yourself feeling lost lately, wondering who you even are anymore and what brings you joy, these rediscover you hypnotherapy sessions can help. They’re for you if you:

  • are struggling with self care and need to make yourself a priority

  • want to build confidence

  • want to identify and communicate your needs

  • want to set and hold healthy boundaries

  • want to find your spark and rediscover what brings you joy

  • need strategies to manage stress and overwhelm

30 day phobia reset £280

Quick and effective, resolve your phobia within 3-4 sessions, Whether it’s a needle phobia, flying phobia, spider phobia or something else that’s leaving you fearful and out of control, This reset using hypnotherapy can give you your freedom back.

Personalised packages are also available for issues such as OCD, low mood and habit change

Book your first session now to have a chat about which package will best suit you.