Setting Spring Intentions
The days are getting longer, and even though it’s raining as I write this, there are still signs of spring peeping out at me through the window. The tulips are coming up, not flowers yet, but lush, green foliage promising vibrant pops of colour any day now, there’s the first sign of blossom on our tree and there’s more birdsong than a month or even a week ago. Spring is on it’s way and we’re naturally creating sun filled futures in our minds eye.
Why Spring Is the Perfect Time for Intentions
In January, it's tempting to make a long list of resolutions. The start of a new year feels symbolic, but the depth of winter can make change feel forced or overwhelming. Winter is a season for rest, a time to retreat inward and hunker down. It's natural to feel less energised or motivated during these darker months and we can quickly get disillusioned with our slow progress. So out the window go the resolutions and in comes the guilt and negative self talk, a vicious cycle. We convince ourselves that we can’t change, it’s too hard, we’re lazy and so on.
Spring, on the other hand, aligns with nature’s cycle of growth and renewal. The warmer days, colourful buds and blooms appearing everywhere, and increased sunlight bring us all a much needed boost of optimism and energy, creating much kinder conditions for setting intentions that truly resonate and are actually achievable. Waiting until spring to set your intentions allows you to harness this momentum and and the natural energy of the waking season.
Setting Intentions Instead of Resolutions
While resolutions often focus on fixing perceived flaws and imagining ourselves as we ‘should’ be, intentions come from a place of self-compassion and alignment. They’re more fluid and adaptable, encouraging growth without pressure or perfectionism. without the rigidity of resolutions, Intentions let us get curious about how a change or a goal might impact our lives in a number of ways, what might or could be different? How might our lives look if we set, held and nurtured this intention? Who else might notice or be impacted? Setting spring intentions is about nurturing and supporting yourself, whilst embracing the excitement and energy that spring brings.
Journal Prompts for Spring Intentions
To help you make the most of the joys of spring and set meaningful intentions, here are a few journal prompts to guide your reflection:
What areas of my life feel ready to bloom or grow this spring?
What lessons did winter teach me, and how can I carry them forward?
What brings me joy in the spring season, and how can I invite more of it into my daily life?
What habits or routines no longer serve me, and how can I gently release them?
What do I want to cultivate more of in my relationships, health, or personal growth?
Take your time with these prompts, allowing yourself to explore your thoughts and feelings. You might want to choose one a day or a couple a week to focus on in the lead up to spring. Let them inspire intentions that feel authentic and meaningful.
All the Little Joys of Spring
There are so many little joys that pop up as we move into spring, they feel slow to come at first and then all of a sudden spring is fully upon us and we’re surrounded by colour and sound, so much to see and take in! Taking our time to notice these changes and to let the energy of the season soak into us is a beautiful thing.
Even when we’re stressed or busy there are opportunities to slow down for just a moment and take in a dose of natures magic. For me it’s looking out the window more often, listening to the birdsong while I do breakfast or just noticing what’s growing in my flowerbed as I head to the car in the morning.
So, as you notice the flowers bloom and the sun warming the earth, take a moment to reflect and set your spring intentions. It’s your time to grow and thrive, just as nature intended.
If you’d like to set some time aside to really sink into setting your intentions and building energy for the season to come then why not join me and Karen from The Zen Zone on our spring into wellness retreat being held in Peterborough on 22nd of March. We Would love to see you there, get in touch for more information.
Jo x