Birth Trauma
It wasn’t your fault.
You can get help.
You’re not alone
How was the birth?
Is that a question that you love to hear? Or one that leaves you with a feeling of dread in your stomach?
Birth is always transformational and for some families it happens just as they had hoped. For others it is a difficult or traumatic experience, which can lead to feelings of regret, inadequacy and grief. Birth trauma can arise from a physically traumatic birth such as an unplanned c-section, assisted delivery, haemorrhage or tear. However, it is not just physical events which cause trauma. Birth can be distressing and traumatic when we experience feeling fearful, a lack of control, are not spoken to or cared for with respect, feel unsupported or not listened to.
The symptoms of birth trauma are unique to each individual and they may continue for many years. Birth trauma can be misdiagnosed as postnatal depression, but it is also possible to experience symptoms of both. Here are some of the symptoms of Birth Trauma:
· Flashbacks, nightmares or becoming distressed at reminders of the event
· Avoidance, this may be in relation to your place of birth, thoughts about the event or your baby itself
· Changes in mood, feeling very numb, upset, angry, irritable
· Difficulty remembering the events of the birth
· Over vigilance
· Startling easily
· Difficulty sleeping
· Fear of giving birth in the future
· Relationship difficulties, with a spouse or bonding with baby
Some people experience a few of these symptoms, whilst others experience many at a time. If your experience of birth was traumatic, know that you are not alone. Over 20% of birthing people experience some aspect of their birth as traumatic. That’s 200,000 parents per year.
We are often told that a healthy baby is all that matters. This isn’t true. A healthy baby matters, but a healthy parent is just as important. How can we be expected to care for ourselves and our babies when we are still suffering the symptoms of a traumatic birth? The good news is, there is support out there. The feelings and symptoms of birth trauma can be eased and you can feel like yourself again.
See my Birth Trauma Support page for more information on how to heal.